The Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS) department is headed by Mr. Anyandi Patrick Omagu(NSA)
The department is the hop of the service from where policies and plans radiate. The department has 4 main units which includes:
Planning and Bugdet
This unit is managed by the Head of Department.
The functions of the unit include:
– Preparation of the Service Annual and Revise Budgets.
– Development of both Annual Work Plan and Action Plan for the Service.
– Planning the programmes and projects of the Service.
– Monitoring and Evaluation of planned programmes and Projects.
Research and Statistics
The unit is headed by Mr. Anyang, Bright Ndome, planning officer II
The functions of this unit include:
– Carry out research into modern trend in the field of taxation
– Collect, collate and analyze data from all departments and units of the service
– Liaise with the State Bureau of Statistics in areas of data collection and processing
Management Information Services
This unit is responsible for information dissemination in the service.
The unit is also charged with the responsibility of branding the service.
The unit is under the Director in charge of the department as there is no unit head at the moment.
The unit is headed by Mr. Ogbor, Ntui Eku, Senior Planning Officer
The functions of the unit include;
– Drawing up policies for the service.
– Developing reporting templates for the department and other departments and units of the service.
– Preparing the monthly reports of the department.
– Collection and analysis of reports from other departments and units.
Job Schedule/Major FunctionJob Schedule/Major Function
– Drawing up plans for the Service (Action Plans and Work Plans).
– Gathering, Collating, Analyzing and Processing of data for the service.
– Budget Preparation.
– Monitoring and Evaluation.
– Formulation of Policies.
– Liaises with the State Planning Commission and Sate Bureau of Statistics in the areas of research and statistics.
– Branding of the Service through effective information management.